OhioRISE (Resilience through Integrated Systems and Excellence)
OhioRISE (Resilience through Integrated Systems and Excellence) is a specialized Medicaid managed care program that focuses on children who have complex behavioral health and multisystem needs. Young people with these needs often require help and services from multiple community systems which may include juvenile justice, child protection, developmental disabilities, schools, mental health and addiction and others. OhioRISE services became available on July 1, 2022.
Over time, it will mean that kids who deal with complex behavioral health issues do not have to travel across state lines or be in a secured facility. Instead, the goal is to bring their care closer to home in their familiar communities and surroundings. This approach builds upon Ohio Guide stone’s approach. We want care to be more accessible and more manageable for children, youth, and their families.
As a care management entity (CME) for OhioRISE, Genesis Behavior Services will support OhioRISE members who live in the western Cuyahoga County area.

Children and youth who may be eligible for OhioRISE include those who are:
Ages 0-20
Eligible for Ohio Medicaid (either managed care or fee-for-service), and
Require significant behavioral health treatment needs, measured using the Ohio Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) assessment.
Children and youth may also be eligible for OhioRISE due to certain urgent conditions. For example, if a child or youth is in a hospital for behavioral health reason. Genesis Behavioral services can guide you on how to schedule a CANS assessment.
Eligibility Determination
If you are a family who has a child or youth who could benefit from OhioRISE services, or a referral source that has a child or youth in the western Cuyahoga area who needs help, please call 1.866.502.RISE (1.866.502.7473). GBS will help to determine eligibility for OhioRISE (by conducting a CANS assessment) and will also provide the information to eligible children and youth to get them started with OhioRISE.